DR. J. DAVID DUDLEY & Associates www.unionvilledental.com Tel:(905)-477-5825 Email:drdudley@bellnet.ca 4359 Highway#7 Unionville L3R1M1
DR. J. DAVID DUDLEY & Associateswww.unionvilledental.comTel:(905)-477-5825Email:drdudley@bellnet.ca4359 Highway#7  Unionville L3R1M1

Privacy Protocol: Dr. J. D. Dudley & Associates

Our office understands the importance of protecting your personal health information.  To help you understand how we are doing that, we have outlined below how our office is collecting, using and disclosing your personal health information.


This office will collect, use and disclose information about you for the following purposes:


  • To assess your health needs and provide safe and efficient dental care
  • To enable us to contact and maintain communication with you to distribute health care information and to book and confirm appointments
  • To communicate with other treating health care providers, including other dentists, physicians, pharmacists and lab technicians
  • For teaching and demonstrating purposes on an anonymous basis
  • To complete and submit dental claims for third party adjudication and payment
  • To comply with legal and regulatory requirements
  • To deliver your charts and records to the dentist's insurance carrier to enable the insurance company to assess liability and quantify damages, as necessary
  • To invoice for goods and services
  • To collect unpaid accounts


Please note that any questions or concerns that you might have about your personal health information can be directed to  DR. J. D. DUDLEY.


Dr. J. D. Dudley can be reached at the following:


Mailing Address:                 Dr. J.D. Dudley

                                        4359 Highway #7 E

                                         Unionville, ON  L3R 1M1


                                         (905) 477-5825


Any requests for access or correction to your personal health information should be directed, in writing, to Dr. J. D. Dudley


Thank you for your support and understanding in helping our office comply with all regulatory and legal requirements.




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© Dr. J. David Dudley & Associates